ChromeOS 124 Release Notes

Stable Channel

Released to stable on April 29, 2024

Smoother video play, automatic driver updates, and a new Default Search Engine choice screen arrived with the stable release of ChromeOS on April 30, 2024.

Better traffic prioritization over congested WiFi

Experience smoother video play with less buffering. ChromeOS 124 now includes a new Quality of Service (QoS) feature that ensures better traffic prioritization of video conferencing and gaming applications on congested Wi-Fi networks.

Larger max size for mouse pointers

Adjust your cursor size by going into Settings > Accessibility > Cursor and touchpad and sliding the slider to your preferred size. Larger mouse pointers are helpful for those with low vision, those who are presenting their screen, or those who just prefer to customize their ChromeOS experience.

The ChromeOS Accessibility settings page with a large cursor.

Automatic driver downloads for scanners

To optimize the size of ChromeOS updates, we now download scanner drivers only once a scanner is connected.The driver downloads automatically without any prompt that the user needs to answer. A notification appears to indicate that external drivers are being installed and when installation is complete.

Default Search Engine choice screen

Choose your search engine. As part of our Digital Markets Act (DMA) compliance, Google is introducing choice screens for users to choose their default search engine within Chrome. The choice from the prompt controls the default search engine setting, currently available at chrome://settings/search.

Fast Pair for mice on ChromeOS

Fast Pair is now available for mice on ChromeOS. Bring a Fast Pair-compatible mouse close to your ChromeOS device, and you’ll be prompted to pair it with a single click.

Also released in ChromeOS 124

WebSQL is now fully deprecated, devices now provide carrier lock, and a few enterprise policies have been introduced for compatibility and control. Here’s what was also released with ChromeOS 124.

Deprecated and removed WebSQL

Deprecation of WebSQL is complete. The policy WebSQLAccess and the deprecation trial, which allows for WebSQL to be available, is no longer available.SQLite over WASM is the official replacement for WebSQL.

Updated enterprise policies for TLS handshake and RSA key usage

In Chrome 114, we introduced InsecureHashesInTLSHandshakesEnabled to control the use of legacy insecure hashes during the TLS handshake process. In Chrome 116, we introduced RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled to control some server certificate checks. Chrome 124 removes both InsecureHashesInTLSHandshakesEnabled and RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled policies.

Expanded WebHID permission

Chrome Apps now enables WebHID features in Chrome App Webview, for VDI and Zoom HID support.

Added Extension Cache Invalidation for the managed guest login screen

From ChromeOS 124, the ExtensionInstallForcelist policy supports the rollback of extensions for managed guest sessions and the login screen. This gives admins the option to rollback extensions in case of an erroneous rollout of a new version.

Instant reboot in Managed Guest Session

ChromeOS 124 introduces a UI for admins to initiate an instant reboot action for Managed Guest Sessions.

Dialog to reboot one device.

ChromeOS carrier lock

ChromeOS now supports carrier lock for mobile providers that want to provide subsidized devices to users. On all cellular enabled devices, carriers can lock the device to only allow connection to approved SIM profiles (both eSIM and physical SIM). Locked devices get enrolled to a carrier lock server and when the contract ends, the carrier simply releases the lock and the user is notified on their device. Note that in addition to being blocked for using unauthorized SIM profiles, dev mode is blocked on carrier locked devices.

New policies in Admin console

There are several new policies available in Admin console:

  • AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls. Permits browser dialogs to appear without exiting fullscreen.
  • AutomaticFullscreenBlockedForUrls. Disallows browser dialogs from appearing without exiting fullscreen.
  • MutationEventsEnabled. Enables or disables deprecated mutation events.
  • PrefixedVideoFullscreenApiAvailability. Controls and overrides the PrefixedVideoFullscreen RuntimeEnabled feature, determining whether webkit-prefixed video-specific fullscreen APIs are available.

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