ChromeOS 107 Release Notes

Stable Channel

Released to stable on October 24, 2022

On October 25, 2022, ChromeOS 107 introduced a variety of new features, including: save and recall desks, the Human Presence Sensor, and accessibility enhancements.

Virtual Desks

As of ChromeOS 107, you can save and close an entire Virtual Desk⁠. Save your desk state—including app windows and layouts—whenever you want to switch gears or focus on a different task. When you’re ready to switch back, you can open your saved desk with a click.

Human Presence Sensor

ChromeOS 107 introduced new privacy features leveraging the Human Presence Sensor⁠. The Human Presence Sensor will lock the screen when you leave—and alert you when another person is looking at your screen. Related features include “Keep Awake,” which prevents the screen from dimming when you’re present, and “Viewing Protection,” which alerts you when an additional person is detected.

ChromeOS accessibility

ChromeOS 107 provides a variety of improvements to its accessibility settings⁠, including more accurate search results, easier to understand feature descriptions, and modifications to the layout for increased discoverability.

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