Getting started with Kiosk Troubleshooting Tools

Enable the KioskTroubleShootingToolsEnabled device policy.

Task 1

5 minutes

Enabling the KioskTroubleShootingToolsEnabled policy in the device settings for the kiosk grants access to features like Chrome developer tools (DevTools), Chrome Browser windows, and the ChromeOS Task Manager.

Together, these features let you meticulously review the post-load performance of your application, identify any error logs, and obtain network warning messages.

  1. Login to Google Admin Console.
  2. In the Google Admin Console, go to Menu > Devices > Chrome > Settings > Device settings.
  3. On the left, select the organizational unit you want to use for troubleshooting or development purposes.
  4. Go to Kiosk settings > Kiosk troubleshooting tools.
  5. Select Enable troubleshooting tools.
  6. Click Save.

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