
Getting started with Isolated Web Apps

3 tasks

105 minutes

Isolated Web Apps (IWAs) provide a high-trust security model for web applications. This high-trust security model opens up the ability to use APIs that can’t otherwise be delivered to the drive-by web, like Direct Sockets and Controlled Frame. To opt-in to this high-trust security model, your web app needs to be packaged, isolated, and standalone.

Using the Isolated Web App Kitchen Sink as a sample project, you’ll learn how to get a local IWA development environment set up, how to build and sign your IWA, and how to test your IWA.

If you don’t already have Node.js installed, we recommend installing it with a version manager to ensure that the correct version of Node for this project is installed and ease any potential installation issues that may arise. nvm and Volta are both good options. The project also makes use of pnpm as a version manager, but you can opt to use npm package manager that comes bundled with Node if you’d like instead.

What you'll learn

  • How to get a local Isolated Web App development environment set up

  • How to test your Isolated Web App both during development and before distribution

  • How to build and sign an Isolated Web App for distribution

  • How to configure Vite and Webpack for Isolated Web App development

  • [Optional] How to install your IWA through the Admin panel

What you should know

  • How to work in a command line environment.

  • How to work with a Node.js project from the command line, including managing dependencies and running scripts defined in a project's package.json.

  • [Optional] How to deploy static files to a public server.

  • [Optional] How to navigate and use the Admin panel