Check print job status
Task 5
20 minutes
Note: An event is fired when the status of the job is changed. This is only fired for the jobs created by this extension.
Next, you’ll create a table to show all print jobs from this extension in the printers.html
Update your printers.html with the following code:
<!doctype html>
<link href="printers.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="printers.js"></script>
<h2>Print Job:</h2>
On some systems, the print job may leave the queue too quickly to be
visible in this list.
<div id="printJob">
<table id="printJobTable">
<th>Job Id</th>
<tbody id="printJobTbody"></tbody>
<div id="printers">
<table id="printersTable">
<th>Recently used</th>
<th>Supports trim</th>
<tbody id="tbody" />
Next, add a listener in printers.js
to handle the job status change event and update the jobs table:
function addCell(parent) {
const newCell = document.createElement('td');
return newCell;
function onPrintButtonClicked(printerId, dpi, performTrim) {
/* ... submit the print job code added in the previous step ... */
chrome.printing.onJobStatusChanged.addListener((jobId, status) => {
console.log(`jobId: ${jobId}, status: ${status}`);
let jobTr = document.getElementById(jobId);
if (jobTr == undefined) {
jobTr = document.createElement('tr');
jobTr.setAttribute('id', jobId);
const cancelTd = addCell(jobTr);
let cancelBtn = createButton('Cancel', () => {
cancelBtn.setAttribute('id', `id ${jobId}-cancelBtn`);
const jobIdTd = addCell(jobTr);
let jobStatusTd = addCell(jobTr); = `${jobId}-status`;
} else {
document.getElementById(`${jobId}-status`).innerText = status;
if (status !== 'PENDING' && status !== 'IN_PROGRESS') {